Week of Aug 25th
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
August 25, 2024
August 26, 2024(4 events)
10:30 am: CAPACITACION PARA PADRES: RESUMEN DE PLAN EDUCATIVO INDIVIDUALIZADO (IEP)10:30 am: CAPACITACION PARA PADRES: RESUMEN DE PLAN EDUCATIVO INDIVIDUALIZADO (IEP) – 1:00 pm: Diaper Bank1:00 pm: Diaper Bank – Located at 1126 W. Foothill Blvd. on the south side of the building. First come, first served. 5:00 pm: IRC Parent Orientation5:00 pm: IRC Parent Orientation – FOR FAMILIES FOUND ELIGIBLE FOR REGIONAL CENTER SERVICES: IRC welcomes one and all to come to the training to learn more (or refresh what you know) about IRC. During the training, families will hear a brief history of the regional center system and an overview of how case managers provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities. There will be a time for questions at the end should a family have a personal or detailed question for the trainer. New Parent Orientation will be provided via Zoom. The trainings will be held from 5:00 pm-7:00pm. You will need to access the training using Zoom on a computer, a smart phone, or a tablet. 6:00 pm: Assessment Process Webinar6:00 pm: Assessment Process Webinar – TASK presents this workshop to provide an overview of parent and district participation in the special education assessment process. Workshop attendees will learn about the federal laws that govern special education and Section 504, the referral and assessment processes, and options for resolving disagreements. |
August 27, 2024(3 events)
10:00 am: Parent Coffee Hour10:00 am: Parent Coffee Hour – Come share your journey with other parents who get it, as well as share resources. Held at Desert Recreation District in Bermuda Dunes. Hosted by Olive Tree Occupational Therapy. RSVP by emailing Paloma@olivetreeot.com. 10:30 am: CAPACITACION PARA PADRES: TÉRMINOS DEL IEP Y EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL10:30 am: CAPACITACION PARA PADRES: TÉRMINOS DEL IEP Y EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL – |
August 28, 2024(2 events)
10:30 am: Mental Health Support for Special Needs and Medically Fragile Parenting10:30 am: Mental Health Support for Special Needs and Medically Fragile Parenting – This peer support group is for parents from birth to four years postpartum. A safe and supportive place for sharing feelings and challenges commonly experienced when navigating the unexpected outcome of having a child with medical complications or special needs. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Now open to parents from birth to four years postpartum! |
August 29, 2024(5 events)
10:00 am: Quiet Hour at The Museum10:00 am: Quiet Hour at The Museum – The Victor Valley Museum is piloting a new program called "Quiet Hour" designed to be more accessible to people with sensory processing differences. The museum will create a calmer and quieter environment. Some exhibits with sounds or flashing lights will be turned off to minimize stimulation. Located at 11873 Apple Valley Rd., Apple Valley, CA. Call (760) 995-8770 for more information. 10:30 am: CAPACITACION PARA PADRES: CREACIÓN DE UNA CARPETA DEL IEP Y DEL AÑO ESCOLAR EXTENDIDO (ESY10:30 am: CAPACITACION PARA PADRES: CREACIÓN DE UNA CARPETA DEL IEP Y DEL AÑO ESCOLAR EXTENDIDO (ESY – 5:00 pm: IRC Parent Orientation5:00 pm: IRC Parent Orientation – FOR FAMILIES FOUND ELIGIBLE FOR REGIONAL CENTER SERVICES: During this Zoom training, families will hear a brief history of the regional center system and an overview of how case managers provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities. There will be a time for questions at the end. 7:00 pm: Dad & Partner Support Group7:00 pm: Dad & Partner Support Group – Moms aren't the only ones who need support. Connect with other partners and learn from shared experiences! Meets on Zoom the last Thursday of the month. |
August 30, 2024
August 31, 2024